The focus of this series is on creating awareness through stories about sensitive yet important life issues that children may face in their growing-up years. Stories in the series do take place in fictitious setups but the reasons taught through them will help young readers understand how to act when confronted with certain issues. There is a very fin line between joking & teasing especially between friends or classmates. Oftentimes, this fine line becomes difficult for adults, as well as children, to comprehend. A joke or mild teasing from one child may be affecting the other child in a completely different way. Children with physical differences or learning in abilities are an easy target of the teasers, resulting in body shame issues in the former. If not checked on Time, this type of teasing can escalate to bullying or even worse! Through this story, we gently bring awareness about how teasing a child can shatter their confidence and self-esteem.
- Pegasus